Practical parenting


Fatherhood, Money and Providing for the family:

“Providing well for your family means bringing home a paycheck, AND it means bringing home a lively, caring, engaged father.”

If this resonates with you, you may find this article on interesting click here

The Big Three

During Covid and learning from home it's important to remember it's our job as parents to be a parent, not a teacher.

Andrew Fuller shares some great advice in this video

Time with your teen – make it count!

Your teenager benefits so much when you spend time with them. Even with busy schedules, you can turn a little bit of time together into a learning experience for your teen and builds relationships. Try these tips to get more out of your time with your teen.

Learning time for littlies

Your little one learns so much when you spend time with them. Even with a busy schedule, you can turn a little bit of time into a learning experience for your child. Learning Potential has put together some great ideas to get more out of your time with your little one learning

5 tips to help get ready for preschool* in the morning!

Getting your little one ready for preschool in the morning can be stressful – packing lunches, forgotten permission slips, missing shoes – but it doesn’t have to be. Here are 5 tips to help you and your preschooler get a great start to the day!

Schools can’t tackle child literacy levels alone – it takes a village

We know from PIRLS, while most Australian children are meeting international benchmarks for reading at year 4, nearly one in five are not meeting these benchmarks. Australia has one of the largest proportions of students who fall below the “intermediate” benchmark into the “low” or “below low” categories, compared to other English-speaking countries, including the US, Canada, and England. Read more

Transition to school

Starting school is an important time for children and families. Children who make a positive start to school are more likely to:

  • feel comfortable, relaxed and valued
  • feel excited and motivated to learn
  • have good relationships with others
  • develop a sense of belonging within the school community.

Starting school is not just about the first day. It’s a process that begins when children and families start to prepare in the year before, and continues as children experience their first days, weeks and months of school. The process involves a number of changes for children and families, and everyone reacts differently. read more

Smart teen screen time

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests too much screen time is becoming a hazard to our teenager’s eyes, general health and to their social skills. Too much screen time can also make it harder for your teenager to get to sleep. Read on to learn more.

What's the best time of day to learn

There is no right or wrong time to study. It really depends on whether your child is a morning person or a night person, and what works best for their schedule. There are benefits to studying at either end of the day. Read more from the team at Learning Potential.

'Pause, Prompt, Praise' for working out tricky words

Helping your child work out tricky words is easy with this effective technique. The ‘Pause, Prompt, Praise’ method or ‘The Three P’s’ allows you to assist your child with tricky words while teaching them how to self-monitor and correct themselves while reading. Read more

Don't Waste Your Breath- An Introduction to the Mysterious World of the Adolescent Brain

Adolescents are a mystery to many adults- especially their parents, It is a time when three of the great changes of human life occur: the ability to reproduce: the establishment of an identity and the formal commencement of logical rational reasoned thought. Read more

Encouraging resilience in your pre-teen

The period leading up to the teenage years is a time of big changes for kids. Helping your child develop resilience in the pre-teen years will make them feel confident and capable of dealing with teenage challenges. – and improve their ability to..Read more..

What makes breakfast so special

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast can help your little one to learn and grow by providing the energy and nutrients they need to fuel their brain and body. Read on about what makes breakfast so special from the team at Learning potential.

5 tips to help get ready for school in the morning!

Getting your child ready for school in the morning can be stressful – school lunches, forgotten permission slips, packing schoolbags – but it doesn’t have to be. Here are 5 tips to help you and your child get a great start to the day!

Best ways to talk to your teens about ‘difficult stuff’

When it comes to having some of the most important conversations of their lives, many teenagers can only manage a grunt. So what’s a frustrated parent to do?

Experts claim you need to be friendly but firm to get the attention of your teen, particularly if you have a big issue to deal with. Read more

Every day counts: school attendance

When your child goes to school every day they will achieve their best. So much learning occurs during the school - even if sometimes it isn't blatantly apparent. Here are some tips for helping your child turn up, achieve more and maintain a good attendance habit:

Benefits of extracurricular activities

Your child might be interested in some out of school hours activities (extra curricula activities), such as sport, music and various clubs, there are so many options—these extracurricular activities can enrich their learning within school hours. Read more about the benefits.

Development concerns? Get help early

If your little one has been diagnosed with a disability, or you are concerned about their development, it is important to get help early. Here’s what you need to know.

Starting School - Is your child ready?

Psychologist Dr Amanda Mergler from the School of Early Childhood at Queensland University of Technology studied 224,000 state school students over four years.

She found the proportion of parents holding children back until they turned six almost doubled between 2010 and 2014, climbing from 1.5 per cent to 2.9 per cent. Read more

7 Tips to assist kids become great leaders


Family Links is a national charity in the UK dedicated to empowering children, parents, families, schools and workplaces to be emotionally healthy.

Their vision is a world where adults and children live flourishing lives, fulfil their potential and make a positive contribution to their community. Family Links believes that emotional health is a human right and that it is the foundation for achievement and happiness.

The Parenthood is a not for profit movement of Australian parents and carers working to gain positive policy changes through lobbying government and business. They represent thousands of mums, dads, grandparents and primary carers who want a voice in the issues that matter most to parents particularly relating to education, health and the support of good parenting.

PANDA Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia is a specialist not for profit organisation that has helped tens of thousands of Australians get vital information and support for antenatal and postnatal depression for over 30 years.

The ACARA Parent Friendly Curriculum website provides information for families and carers about their children and what they are learning within the Australian Curriculum. Families can download and print information sheets relevant to their child's year of schooling.

Download The Australian Curriculum: an overview for parents to learn about how the Australian Curriculum is organised, including information about the learning areas, general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities.

Positive Partnerships is a national project, funded by the Australian Government Department of Education through the Helping Children with Autism package. Their goal is to improve the educational outcomes of school-aged students on the autism spectrum.

They work with schools, communities and families across Australia to deliver evidence-based content through workshops, webinars and online learning and aim to foster productive relationships in support of school aged students on the spectrum.

A parents guide to digital behaviour. Digital technology has changed everything in our world, from how we communicate with friends to how we do our jobs. Nobody has embraced digital technology more than young people. Ask any teenager, and they’ll happily tell you how much they love their smart phone.

But technology has also created new problems for parents of tweens and teens. With new tech comes new behavior issues that parents must deal with.

The Raising Children Network website offers information on child development, behaviour, health, nutrition and fitness, play and learning, connecting and communicating, school and education, entertainment and technology, sleep and safety. It covers pregnancy and birth, newborns (0-3 months), babies (3-12 months), toddlers (1-3 years), preschoolers (3-5 years), school-age children (5-9 years), pre-teens (9-11 years), teens (12-18 years), grown-ups, children with autism and children with disability.

Identifying the signs, helping and talking to your child who has been sexually assaulted and resources to help you.

ACECQA national leadership on the implementation of the National Quality Framework (NQF) and collaborate with the Australian and state and territory governments to:

implement changes that benefit children birth to 13 years-of-age and their families

monitor and promote the consistent application of the Education and Care Services National Law across all states and territories

support the early childhood education and care sector to improve quality outcomes for children

As a clinical psychologist, Andrew Fuller works with many schools and communities in Australia and internationally, specialising in the wellbeing of young people and their families.

Andrew has some great resources for parents on his site and also conducts workshops for organisations, parents, students, teachers and health professionals on a wide range of topics.

Early Childhood Australia (ECA) has been a voice for young children since 1938.

They are the peak early childhood advocacy organisation, acting in the interests of young children, their families and those in the early childhood field. ECA advocates to ensure quality, social justice and equity in all issues relating to the education and care of children aged birth to eight years.

Their vision: Every young child is thriving and learning.


Reword - a new online anti-bullying tool that works as a plug in app in a similar way to spellcheck across a range of devices and platforms. It gives a real-time prompt, with a red line, that allows the user to reconsider their choice words or phrases that might give cause for concern - and to inform their future usage. Read the media release for more information or Download app

Learning Potential has hundreds of articles on all aspects of your child’s learning and development, from the early years to the end of high school, with more articles added all the time!

Families can browse by the categories, or enter a topic in the search box or download the app in the App Store or Google Play.

There is also a complementary primary school Learning Potential Resources website which has great ways you can reinforce the skills your child is developing in the classroom.

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